
Everything You Need to Know

We are sure most of the Mole users already know mostly everything regarding Network Intrusion Detection Systems, as well as the network patterns to capture network traffic. However, people camming in to cybersecurity may need some initial guiadence to start capturing traffic.

Mode IDS is an application that reads network traffic in a promiscuous way, that means Mole IDS can read network traffic even when that traffic is not addressed to be read by Mole IDS. That can be achieved first by configuring the netwotk addapter in monitor mode (a.k.a promisc mode), second, other network adapters or devices have to send traffic to Mole IDS, normally that can be done by using a port mirror or a span port.

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Once the traffic is read Mole IDS analyze it based on rules so if there is a match Mole IDS will fire an alert. Imagine you want to be alerted when some packet uses a source port 31337 so you will need to write a rule that indicates to Mole IDS something like when you see a network packet with its source port equal to 31337 , fire an alert. Quite simple, right?

The last part of an IDS are the rules. Each IDS uses its own type of rules, others share the rule types and that's okay. Mole IDS uses its own rule type, well to be honest we did not invented the rule type we are using, but it is quite different from the others. Mole IDS uses Yara. We have designed a specific set of metadata for the Yara rules that allows Mole IDS identifies from which traffic you want to be alerted.